Need something else?

Free food is available to all New Yorkers in need.

  • Emergency Food sites can help you get food quickly.
  • Food Benefit Programs can help you buy groceries.

Emergency Food

You can pick up food packages at a food pantry or get a meal at a soup kitchen. Find Food Pantries and Soup Kitchens near you.

You can also visit for other local food resources. Select Find and Food/Beverage on the website, then enter your address.

If you are age 60 or older, you can also:

Food Benefit Programs

You can get help paying for groceries by enrolling in a food assistance program.

  • SNAP (Food Stamps) helps people with limited income buy food. Benefits are provided on an electronic card that is used like an ATM card and accepted at most grocery stores.
  • Food for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides pregnant women, mothers, and young children with healthy food and support services for prenatal care, breastfeeding, and nutrition.

If you need additional support, you may sign up for other public benefits, such as Cash Assistance, using ACCESS HRA.